During our last camping trip to Norah Head NSW, on our last night, the wind picked up to what seemed like gale-force winds. Our tent was wildly buffeting and swaying in the winds, holding on for dear life, and was able to just keep us from being literally blown away. However, due to that violent night, one of its rods cracked.
The winds during the last night of camping in Norah Head, NSW
So recently, just before we were going on another camping trip, we had to look into fixing the rod. So off we went in search of tent-rod-fixing-kits, and we found some, at a local camping superstore. However, we found a little more than that! Below is a little video about that experience.
In the end, we resisted the temptation to get the larger, newer, more shiny tent that was on sale that day. Instead, we soldiered on and successfully fixed the damaged rod and learned a few things along the way.